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SIDERISE® have been developing bespoke fire, thermal and acoustic insulation solutions for over 45 years.

Siderise RV Vertical

RV Vertical Cavity Barrier is designed to fully fill the void between the external envelope and internal structure, preventing fire spreading across a compartment and helping to maintain air-pressurisation in ventilated façades.

Siderise RH Horizontal

RH Horizontal Cavity Barrier has been developed to meet the complex requirements of ventilated rainscreens.

SIDERISE® Cavity Barriers allow for continuous ventilation and drainage behind the cladding while providing a hot smoke and fire seal. Siderise fire barriers are composed of a non-combustible stone wool lamella core, faced on exposed surfaces with a reinforced aluminium foil. This system includes products for both horizontal and vertical solutions.

SIDERISE® Cavity Barriers have been tested at Warrington-Fire and are 3rd Party Certified under EWCL5 (Certificate ME 5101). The barriers are available to suit 30, 60, 90 and 120 minute applications.

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If you require more information on our products or services, or would like to speak to our team about your project; our nationwide teams are here to help.  

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