Peter Johnson, Chairman, Vivalda has commented on Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak’s Budget announcement, which was announced on Wednesday March 11, revealing plans to assist businesses through the threat of coronavirus, as well as funding for recladding and additional housing.
Housing and homesThe Budget has pledged £1 billion towards replacing combustible cladding from all public and private housing above 18 metres, more than £600 billion towards housing, broadband roads and rail to be spent by 2025, and £650 million to tackle homelessness and provide an extra 6,000 places for rough sleepers.
Commenting on the funding towards recladding high-rise buildings, Peter Johnson, chairman of Vivalda Group, said: “This is very welcome news, as the government has been dragging its feet on this issue for many months. This announcement should bring much needed respite and relief to the thousands of tenants still living in potentially unsafe buildings.
“Fixing our broken high-rise housing market has been a shameful episode in the government’s period in office, which has finally been sorted. We now need to pull together as an industry to bring this sorry taste of affair to a close – and bring confidence and credit back to the embattled cladding sector.”
See the full article in RCI magazine.